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Achieving your skin results

Achieving your skin results

How long do skincare products take to show results? 

After you’ve had your skin looked at by a professional skin therapist and purchased the right skincare products for your skin concerns, you want to know how long it will take to see the results you want on your skin don’t you? It’s an answer that is individual to you as it is dependent on what your skin concerns are, how long you’ve had them, and your current age.  

What factors play a part in my skin's appearance and achieving results?

Some skin concerns take longer to see results with as they can be deeper in the skin. For example, pigmentation often will be in the lower levels of the epidermis. Also, our age affects how quickly we see results. The older we become; everything slows down including our skin cell turnover cycle. Our skin cell turn cycle is the continuous renewal of the outer layer of your skin. The old cells on the surface of the skin shed off as the new layer of cells push upwards. On average, this process takes 4 weeks to complete. The whole cycle, which includes new cell production, their journey upwards, and their death, is called the cell turnover rate. The skin turnover rate for a newborn baby is roughly 7 days. In your 20s, the process takes about 14 days. In your 30s, it reaches the average rate of 4 weeks. As you get older, it slows down and can take up to 12 weeks. You will see improvements within the time frame of your skin cell turnover cycle, but the real results will come at the end of the cycle and through continued product use. 

Consistency and patience are key  

If you are consistent with your product usage and application while following your skin therapist's advice you will see results. Your therapist will be able to let you know the realistic results that your skin can achieve. If you’re unsure what results your skincare products can give you always ask, your skin therapist will always be happy to help. With pigmentation, it’s very unlikely that skincare products will eliminate it altogether, but they can help it to fade. powerbright — Dermalogica NZ are Dermalogica products to help with pigmentation, one of the great things about these products is that they act as a preventative for further pigmentation. Some skin conditions can look worse before they get better as your skin cells are moving up through the layers of your epidermis. This is common with breakout-prone skin, often customers will stop using the products because they’ve made their skin look “worse” when this means the products are working. When you start seeing results from your skincare make sure you keep on using them to maintain and see further results. 




 For support with your skin needs here’s where to get help from a Dermalogica Skin Therapist. 

Face Mappingis a service that Dermalogica offers to help you with your skin goals and find products that will truly work for you. Face Mapping involves looking at your skin with a trained eye, touching your skin, and asking you questions about your lifestyle and environment.  
Face Mapping finds out your skin type as well as any skin conditions present and reveals any possible underlying causes of skin conditions you might have. These insights drive the recommendations made in your personalised Skin Fitness Plan. 

Face Mapping can be performed in any of our Dermalogica Skin Centres or retail locations where a Dermalogica Skin Therapist is present – check out our store locator to find the nearest to you store locator — Dermalogica NZ 

Alternatively, book a virtual skin consultation with one of our in-house Dermalogica Skin Therapist’s or chat to us online via the chat box in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. For more information on how to book a virtual consultation or our online chat hours please click on this link Contact Us — Dermalogica NZ. 


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