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Dermalogica & Saben announce the EmpowHER scholarship;

Supporting five Kiwi female-founded businesses to grow


Entry and eligibility for the EmpowHER scholarship details:

  • To be eligible for the EmpowHER scholarship the winner must meet the following criteria: the business needs to be 1-3 years old, and in the enterprise stage of development with an estimated turnover between $1m-$3 million.
  • Submissions for the EmpowHER grant will be live from March 2023 for two weeks, applicants can visit to submit a business for the scholarship and to see the entry criteria, mechanics and to access the full list of terms and conditions.
  • The winners will be selected by Saben and Dermalogica NZ in consultation with The Icehouse from the pool of all eligible entrants. All entrants will be assessed against the core criteria defined in the terms and conditions. The winner (and the two runner up prizes) will be officially announced via on April 24 2023.


The $10,000 EmpowHER scholarship grant includes:

  • $5K financial business boost.
  • 1 x Taking Your Business Forward Course from The Icehouse (RRP $4,249): Build for the future across the core business functions of planning, leadership and communication, customers and offering, building resilience, financial readiness and technology and digital adoption.
  • 12 months of 1 hour mentoring sessions with both Dermalogica (distributed by the company Two Hundred Doors) and Saben’s in-house experts. 1 every month (tailored to the winner’s business)
  • $500 worth of prescribed Dermalogica skin care and ProSkin professional treatment (either a ProSkin 30 or 60)
  • $500 Saben voucher to a purchase business bag and/or accessories


Four $2,500 runner-up grants:

Each runner up will receive:

  • 4 x The Icehouse workshops, and either The Icehouses’ Financial Skills or the Sale Skills workshops (valued at $2,007 each)
  • $250 bespoke skin care products from Dermalogica
  •  $250 Saben voucher to purchase business bag and/or accessories


Entries close on March 29th, 2023 and a shortlist of 5 recipients will be selected before opening up to public voting. The winner and four runners-up will be announced on April 24 2023.